The Confident WILD Woman-
Overcome Obstacles in Life & Business
You want more for yourself.
Yet, you doubt yourself.
You want a life that feels purposeful and intentional.
But, you’re afraid of taking that next step.

If you:
• are tired of self-doubt getting in the way of living your WILD life?
• want to quiet that inner voice that holds you back?
• are READY to boost your confidence, live a more intentional life and move through this season of your life with more ease?
Then join me for:
The Confident WILD Woman –
Overcome Obstacles in Life & Business
February 2nd, 2024 • 11:00am - 1:00pm
Struggling with self-doubt can be frustrating, annoying, maybe even infuriating! Not feeling like you can trust yourself, getting stuck in over thinking loops, and living a life of “half to” can make you feel powerless in your own life.
There are internal blocks that hold you back, keep you from recognizing your value and worth, and keep you playing “small” while you hold your own needs and desires back. Confidence, feeling good about yourself and being able to ask for what you need can feel difficult to reach.
What if I were to tell you that you CAN:
feel more confident and empowered
learn to quiet that self-doubt and negative inner chatter
be the driver of your one beautiful and WILD life and make it what you want it to be!
What does it mean to live a WILD life?
It means you Wake up to your life! You take ownership of your life and its direction. You recognize that self-responsibility is a powerful force.
You Ignite your Inner knowing; tap into your WILD woman wisdom; trust yourself completely. You develop creative expression practices that keep you deeply connected to yourself and build your self-confidence and empowerment.

You Love yourself fiercely. You treat and regard yourself with the kindness, love and care that you would offer a good friend. You practice active self-compassion, self-kindness, self-awareness and prioritize your well-being.
You give yourself permission to dare to be unapologetically you. There’s only one person you can be. You know who you are, you accept yourself exactly as you are, that you’re a little imperfect and yet still deserving of love and compassion.
If you’re ready to tap into your WILD, then please join me for this 2-hour virtual workshop where you will:
learn a new definition of confidence
identify internal obstacles that interfere in you living your WILD life
design a WILD Woman Confidence Plan personalized just for you
gain empowerment and courage to live your life on your terms
You'll also receive a recording and a WILD Woman Self-Care Worksheet so you can continue to get more out of the workshop and never have to feel lost again!
If you are TIRED of struggling with self-doubt, living a life of “have to’s”, and feeling held back from living your WILD life AND you are READY to take your life back by building skills to boost your confidence and feel more empowered, then PLEASE JOIN ME on February 2nd for:
The Confident WILD Woman –
Overcome Obstacles in Life & Business!
Investment is $85
Join me for a life that feels purposeful and intentional!