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Inner Disapprover No More!
WILD Woman Strategies to
Build Confidence and
Quiet the Inner Disapprover


Do you struggle with a negative inner voice that tells you you’re
not good enough or that you’re somehow failing?


Are you tired of the Inner Disapprover interfering with your goals?


Do you want to learn strategies to quiet that voice?


The presence of the Inner Disapprover is something that women
struggle with constantly. That voice that roars: “you’re not good

enough! You should be able to…why can’t you just….what is wrong

with you??” It often sabotages and interferes in women’s personal

and professional success.


If you’re tired of battling that voice and are ready to learn to quiet it down and boost your confidence, then please join me for this transformational virtual 4-week program: 


Inner Disapprover Be Gone!


WILD Woman Strategies to Build Confidence and Quiet the Inner Disapprover


In this program you will:


  • Understand why the Inner Disapprover exists at all

  • Learn strategies to quiet that negative voice

  • Build your confidence and feel more successful

  • Develop a personalized plan to manage the Inner Saboteur and keep moving forward.


If you’re ready to quiet the Inner Disapprover once and for all, build confidence and live a life with more freedom and ease, then please join me for this 4 week program! 


Starts September 6th @ 2PM (PDT) via Zoom. 


Dates are:          

                           September 6th

                           September 13th

                           September 20th

                           September 27th


Starts on September 6th and cost is $287. Start time is 3pm PDT
and each session will run for 1.5 hours, ending at 4:30 pm PDT. 

Myriam Martinez wearing blue clothing with orange jacket, standing
Inner Disapprover Sign-Up


Reserve Your Spot Now for $287

Thank you for signing up to quiet the Inner Disapprover. You will be sent an email with the zoom link the day before the first session. Get ready to gain confidence and move forward!

Internal Obstacles for Women in Business - 
WILD Strategies to Get Out of Stuckness 
and Start Moving Forward
2 Hour Online Training


Sometimes being a woman in business can make you feel like you're spinning your wheels. Self-doubt creeps in, you get in your head and wonder if you’re good enough, if you’ve got what it takes, and then….you freeze.


It’s hard to get started on a project or do that thing you want to do. Your to do list? You can’t even look at it. Anxiety takes over and you begin to beat yourself up. The next thing you know you’re stuck and don’t know how to get going again. Your confidence goes down the drain.


Feeling stuck in business is fairly common but you don’t need to stay stuck!

If you:

  • Are ready to learn to move out of stuckness once and for all

  • Want to understand the common internal obstacles that interfere in moving forward

  • Want to learn strategies to overcome internal blocks and gain confidence to get yourself moving again


Then please join me for this 2 hour online training:


Internal Obstacles for Women In Business - 
WILD Strategies to Get Out of Stuckness 
and Start Moving Forward


You will spend 2 hours diving in and getting to know these internal blocks more clearly and how they interfere in your daily lives. You will learn to understand the phenomenon of stuckness and gain skills to move through it and take that first step towards moving again.


July 26th from 3-5pm PDT

Cost: $97


Please join me to get out of stuckness and start moving again!

Internal Obstacles for Women in Business


Reserve Your Spot Now for $97

Thank you for signing up to dissolve internal obstacles in business. You will receive a zoom link the day before the workshop. Get ready to move through obstacles and start moving forward!

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